My Safe Space

by Centre for Infectious Disease Research in Zambia

Health & Fitness


The app allows you to access Sexual Reproductive Health services in Zambia, locate vending machines providing such services and make orders for products online. My Safe Space app is one of the outputs of the CIDRZ Operation Triple Zero Plus (OTZ Plus) grant by M.A.C AIDS Fund to provide Comprehensive Sexual Reproductive Health Services in Kaoma, Chongwe and Lusaka districts of Zambia.The grant is aimed at adapting the Operation Triple Zero (OTZ) Plus Model, which was successfully implemented in Kenya, to empower Adolescents Living with HIV (ALHIV), to adopt and co-produce interventions that address poor health outcomes among Adolescents and Young People (AYP), aged between 10-24 years old in Lusaka and Western Provinces in Zambia.